There’s a couple of new planning applications in Whitehouse Ward Rayleigh , you can find them (and other new applications) by downloading the weekly list of new planning applications here.
The first one , in Castle Road, converts a gym and a beauty salon into flats:
Application number: 13/00629/COU
Change of Use From Gymnasium and Beauty Salon to 4 no. Two
Bedroomed Flats Incorporating New and Altered Fenestration,
Installation of 2 no. Balconies and Enclosure of Part of Existing
Ground Floor Canopy to Form a LobbyApplicant:
Land Investments
Rayleigh Ltd
The second one, in Eastwood Road, convert houses into an extension for a childrens nursery:
Application number 13/00650/FUL
Proposal:Change of Use of 42-46 Eastwood Road To Day Care Nursery
With Single Storey Infill Extension And First Floor Covered
Walkway Extension Between nos. 40 and no 42.Applicant:
Rainbow Day Nursery
40 Eastwood Road
Reference your statement ….” sufficient time for interested parties to respond….” – can you please define who qualifies as ‘interested parties’?. Does
this include the existing residents of West Rayleigh & Rawreth – or only their elected representatives ie:
Ward Councillors?.
Thank you – JIM.