The District Council has just sent the following letter to all those who made representations on the Local Development Framework. It looks like the Inspector is giving an opportunity here to have a big rethink on housing numbers now we have a new Coalition government:
Dear Representor,
As you may be aware on 27 May 2010, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles MP, wrote to Council leaders highlighting the new Government?s commitment ?to rapidly abolish Regional Strategies and return decision making powers on housing and planning to local councils. Consequently, decisions on housing supply (including the provision of travellers sites) will rest with Local Planning Authorities without the framework of regional numbers and plans.? The Secretary of State indicates that he will make a formal announcement soon, but expects Local Planning Authorities and the Planning Inspectorate to have regard to the letter as a material planning consideration.
Further, on 9 June 2010 Greg Clark MP, Minister for Decentralisation, made a Ministerial Statement announcing the reissue of Planning Policy Statement 3 Housing with the following amendments:
? The definition of previously developed land in Annex B now excludes private residential gardens; and
? The national indicative minimum density of 30 dwellings per hectare is deleted from paragraph 47.
The Inspector is therefore seeking the views of the Council and respondents on the implications for the Core Strategy of these changes to Government policy. The Inspector is mindful that it may be necessary to arrange further hearing sessions to allow parties to address her on these matters, particularly if further clarity on the implications of the abolition of the RSS is provided before her report is finalised.
Please ensure that any comments you wish to make on the implication of these changes for the Core Strategy are received by me before Monday, 19 July.
Yours sincerely,
Lissa Higby
Programme Officer