Has Fusion Run Out of Puff?




For the uninitiated, Fusion runs the Councils leisure services contract with Clements Hall, Rayleigh Leisure Centre and The Mill Hall besides others, under its wing.

Leisure services are under threat across the country with post lockdown, but what is happening with Fusion right now is anyone’s guess. It would appear it’s a tightly guarded secret as loyal paying members are given the brush off by a message posted on Fusion’s website on 22/7/20.

Frustrated by the lack of communication residents appear to be taking action to recover money from bookings made with at The Mill Hall by using chargebacks, other residents who have gym memberships with Fusion are now cancelling their memberships and have taken new memberships with other gyms. Getting rid of those post ‘COVID curves’ are high on the priority for some now that gyms have reopened and this poor customer service won’t place Fusion very well in an already, competitive marketplace.

As Councillors, we’ve contacted the senior leadership several times to get some clarity on the situation but alas have nothing newsworthy to report back to residents. With the Council seemily not prepared to do the heavy lifting to get the contract back on track it does appear that the Fusion contract might well have run out of puff!

About the author, Editor

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