You can download this week’s list of new planning applications here.
Here are details of four of them:
70 new homes? in Folly Lane, Hockley:
Parish: Hockley Parish Council
Ward: Hockley West
Responsibility:Committee/Weekly List
Officer: Mrs Claire Buckley
Proposal: Erection of 70 Dwellings, Together With Improvements to Existing
Access, Pedestrian Access, Car Parking, Landscaping, Open
Space, and Related Works
Location: Pond Chase Nursery Folly Lane Hockley
Applicant: Charles Church
15-bedroom dementia unit in Ashingdon:
Parish: Ashingdon Parish Council
Ward: Ashingdon And Canewdon
Committee /Weekly List
Officer: Mr Mike Stranks
Proposal: Demolish Existing Outbuildings And Construct Single Storey
Extension To Create 15 Bedroom Dementia Unit
Location: Ashingdon Hall Church Road Ashingdon
Applicant: Mavis Wood Ltd
(there is also an application for listed building consent)
9 flats in Castle Road, Rayleigh:
Parish:Rayleigh Town Council
Responsibility:Committee/Weekly List
Officer: Ms Katie Rodgers
Proposal:Change of Use From Gymnasium/Beauty Salonn to 6 No 1- bed
and 1No. 2-bed Self-contained Flats to Ground and First Floors
and add Additional Floor With 2 No 1-bed Flats
Location: 5A Castle Road Rayleigh
Applicant: Land Investments Rayleigh Ltd
An amendment to add external stairs to an application by the big pond in Down Hall Road, Rayleigh ,
passed on appeal in 2007:
Parish: Rayleigh Town Council
Officer: Miss Elizabeth Thorogood
Proposal: Non-material Amendment Comprising Provision of External Stairs
to Approved Development of 7no Flats as Approved on 12th
October 2007 Under Application 07/00121/FUL
Location: 89 Down Hall Road Rayleigh
Applicant : IArch Consulting
What about this interesting Application?
Application for Prior Approval for the Change of Use of Agricultural Building (North Unit) to Class C1 Apartotel :Ivanhoe Nurseries Ironwell Lane Hawkwell
If you read the above the Government has decided that Agricultural Buildings may be converted without much formality to Class C1 (hotels).
Yes you read that right !!
But under the new Government rules this cannot and will not go to Councillors to decide on whether to Approve or Refuse.
The Decision will be made purely and solely by Council Planning Officers and we are not even sure whether we or residents can even comment.
As Ward Members we will, of course, and so should any residents who are interested.
Just put the reference 15/00578/DPDP3 into
Thanks John for pointing this one out – there is a lot to study there. Perhaps a suitable subject for members training?
These new Government rules have been discussed at a Training Session I attended.
Has anyone checked the small print ? – only the last time there were 3 items on the agenda it was followed by a secret session to orchestrate a retreat from the
23-10 vote taken on 29/01/15 ( rejection of Countryside OPP ).