The E-on Application

The application for housing on the E-on site comes to the Development Committee next Thursday 31st.

As always, district councillors have to stay unbiased in advance of the meeting.

It IS an important application – you can find the agenda here.

Here’s a brief summary of the report:

  • It’s for 101 dwellings, comprising 10 flats apartments and 91 houses. Numbers of bedrooms varies from two to five.
  • 25 of the dwellings would be classed as affordable.
  • The rear part of the site has a telecommunications mast (which would stay) and a group of portacabins used by a nursery (these would go). A religious congregation has been using the portacabins as well, though apparently without planning permission. They are very concerned about losing these buildings
  • The developer would have to pay ?25,000 towards improving the bus stops along London Road
  • Archaeologists will be checking for Roman and Saxon remains. (Remember what was found near Priory Chase)
  • The Primary Care Trust are asking for ?667 per dwelling towards improving primary care facilities locally.
  • Here’s an extract from the report on education :

    At Early Years and County Primary level it is clear that there will be sufficient places but at secondary level the position is not so clear. The forecasts show that it is likely that by 2016 there will be 20 surplus places at the Sweyne Park School, which is just enough to serve the development, but it will leave the school full and a deficit of places across Rayleigh.

    Here’s the key paragraph on flood risk:

    Advise that the preferred method of surface water disposal should be to a sustainable drainage system (SUDS) with the connection to the sewer as the last option. The surface water strategy / flood risk assessment submitted with the application relevant to Anglian Water is acceptable.
    Recommend the following condition:-
    ?No dwelling shall be occupied until the works have been carried out in accordance with the surface water strategy so approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority?.

    Officers are recommended that the scheme should be approved – though they want more negotiation to get 35% affordable housing instead of 25%

    About the author, admin

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