New Energy Production In Hull – Will It Be Tried Here?




The Hull Daily Mail reports today that Hull City Council are trying out a new renewable energy scheme – recycling waste energy from council meetings:

A RADICAL plan to harness renewable energy at the Guildhall is being considered by councillors.
A unique carbon capture system is being designed to take waste methane and carbon dioxide from the city chambers.
The energy would then be used to power public buildings and could be sold on to the National Grid.
Experts from the University Of Hull’s Wind Up programme believe an excess of warm air produced during council meetings could also power a large wind turbine on the historic building’s roof…..

Full story here.

There’s no indication yet that the council here in Rochford District will try this. One snag is the fairly poor attendance record…. and not many public present – so less energy would be produced.

About the author, admin

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