How To Find The New Countryside Application

The District Council Website isn’t the easiest to navigate.

To find the latest big planning application from Countryside – for housing “North of London Road”:

Go to the Council website at
Then select “Planning” from the menu on the left side of the screen.
Then select “Planning Appications”
Then select “View Planning Appications”
This takes you to a map, with a search box above it. Type into the search box either “London Road” or “15/00362/OUT” and you should then see a paragraph describing the application. Click on the link there and you will get to all the details.
You can then click on “Click Here To Leave Comments About the Application”

OR … if the link is working OK, simply click on^REFVAL^=%2715/00362/OUT%27

and hopefully that will work….

About the author, admin

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