Hawkwell Update – An Issue About Reporting Environmental Problems.



by admin // in Hawkwell


The “Rochford Independent” website, edited by Councillor John Mason, has had some technical problems lately but is back in action now.

They have an update on the current big development in Hawkwell:

We have been concerned by a suggestion from Rochford District Council that problems and complaints on Environmental Health could be directed by residents in the first instance to an organisation other than RDC or Ward Members.
?you may wish to pass on the details of Meeting Place Communications to your constituents so that they may direct any queries or complaints they may have to them in the first instance.?
?Meeting Place Communications are the complaints handling firm employed by David Wilson Homes?.
We do not agree. It is important that all complaints are logged at RDC, investigated by RDC and any action necessary is taken in accordance with planning regulations and environmental health legislation.

About the author, admin

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