Eating Disorders Awareness Week this year takes place between 25th February and 3rd March. Eating disorders can affect anyone, anywhere. This National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), want to change the conversation around food, body image, and eating disorders!
This year’s theme ‘Come as You Are’ aims to encourage inclusivity. The eating disorders charity, Beat, estimates that there are over 1.6 million people struggling with an eating disorder throughout the UK. Everyone should be able to speak out, share their experiences and connect with others.
The week also aims to start conversations with a variety of communities that struggle with eating disorders and coming to terms with them compared to those traditionally thought of as struggling with eating disorders. Eating Disorder Awareness Week gives everyone a platform and recognises that all experiences are valid no matter where they are in relationship to food or their bodies.
Eating Disorders are a mental illness and arenÃt always visible. Too often those who suffer from eating disorders are ignored and turned away from treatment and the Liberal Democrats want to make treatment for eating disorders available to all.
This Eating Disorder Week come as you are, not as you think you should be.
If you think you or a loved one may have an eating disorder or want to find out more follow this link to the NHS Eating Disorders Page
You can follow the events on the hashtag #NEDAwarenessWeek