It was intriguing to see there’s a planning application to remove an existing cabinet in Rochford, but actually it’s nothing to do with replacing the council leadership ! ? It’s a more serious matter regarding a mobile phone mas:
Application No : 14/00777/FULZoning : Car ParkingParish : Rochford Parish CouncilLocation : Telecommunications Mast 4925 At Rochford RailwayStation Car Park West StreetProposal :Remove the existing monopole and replace it with anew 17.5m monopole & headframe which will support6no. antennas & 2no. 0.3m dishes. Remove 1 no.existing Cabinet and replace it with 2no. new Cabinets
It is recommended for refusal:
REFUSE1 The proposed development by virtue of the monopole diameter and thenumber, size and bulk of the antenna arrangement proposed isconsidered to have an adverse impact on the character andappearance of this part of the Rochford Conservation Area. Given theappearanceand height of the proposal, it would be open to views overa wide area damaging the wider character and integrity of the RochfordConservation Area and failing to enhance or preserve theConservation Area. As such the development is considered to becontrary to policy UT4 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan2006, policy CP2 of the Rochford District Council Local DevelopmentFramework adopted Core Strategy and Policy DM6 to the RochfordDistrict Council Local Development Framework DevelopmentManagement Plan (2014)