Ordinarily, there wouldn’t be much of a ‘to do’ with the installation of solar PV panels as they can be installed usually under permitted development rights, as long as they don’t protrude over the roof ridge height. However, it’s a different case if you have a listed building or if your installation is in a conservation area.
The rules are there to apply to all, however, the application that is coming to the development committee this week will raise more concern for many as it is an application that has been recommended to be REFUSED by RDC planning officers BUT the planning portfolio holder, Cllr Ian Ward, has referred this item on the grounds of public interest – however, the application is for solar PV panels on the Conservative Club!
The officers’ reason for refusal is very clear in their report
Overall, it is considered that the proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the Conservation Area which would not be outweighed by public benefit conflicting with paragraph 202 of the NPPF. The development would fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area contrary to paragraph 206 of the NPPF, part (viii) of Policy DM1 of the DMP and Policy ENV1 of the Core Strategy.
We are sure the public will be very interested in how the development committee with 7 out of the 13 members being Conservative Councillors, determine this application!