…..And More On The Arts




Essex artist Beverley Folkard has just started a exhibition of her work in the Mill Arts and Events Centre in Rayleigh. Her work seems based around fabric and textiles.

She also has her own blog here. It gives you a few hints about the style of her work – and also the stresses and strains involved in having an exhibition:

Because the Centre is well used and there are often small children/pushchairs around this gallery corridor, pieces have to be out of reach of small hands. Last time people “complained” to me that I’d hung the work too high – but there is a reason for why it is as it is.
After putting the work up, it was time for “breakfast” in the cafe – well toasted tea cake, and tea, very nice too……
Its mid afternoon before I get lunch, and I’m very tired, all this work and rush, and then boom, its done. Then the phone rings….local Council, ringing to get information for a Press Release for this exhibition. As the venue comes under the remit of the council, in the Contract it states they will do the Press Release. However, having been promoted in the Rayleigh Arts Festival brochure, I thought that was enough ‘exposure’ and generous. So I had to answer questions totally out of the blue, and out of brain cells. I’ve little idea now what I said, but I will get to proof it, before publication. And…. another new experience to chalk up, never done a phone “interview” before! The minute you take your art out of the home, be that in any form, teaching, exhibiting, publishing, entering events – there is so very much to learn, and to continue to learn, as nothing is ever exactly the same from one experience to another, or so I’ve found.

About the author, admin

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