A Couple Of Potholes…




After our brief Xmas break, let’s start off with the nitty-gritty of council work these days – potholes. A couple of potholes,? in the eastern part of the district,? were reported on FixMyStreet today:


Large Pot Hole

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 10:14 today
Sent to Essex County Council 1 minute later

A pot hole about 18″ in diameter on the east bound side of the road. It is quite dangerous and can not be avoided without driving onto the other side of the road.



Pot hole developing

Reported in the Potholes category by Danielle Ward at 09:42 today
Sent to Essex County Council 3 minutes later

On Rochford bound side of the road in this approximate area. Busy, narrow road, but also on a bend making it impossible to avoid.

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