Ofsted Say Riverside Primary Needs “Special Measures”




A new Ofsted report on Riverside Primary School in Hullbridge is pretty critical. You can download it from here. . It states that:

Her Majesty?s Chief Inspector is of the opinion that this school requires special measures because it is failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education and the persons responsible for leading, managing or governing the school are not demonstrating the capacity to secure the necessary improvement.


……. Its aims and motto, ?Where everyone matters and every day counts?, are not carried through consistently into practice. The long-term strategic plan lacks clarity and does not illustrate leaders? ambitions for the school well enough. There is also no short-term development plan that can be used to check progress or to help drive rapid improvement. This is because the school?s leaders have an idealistic view of the school?s effectiveness.. ….


…..Attendance is high, but the overall attainment in mathematics and English, especially writing, is exceptionally low. Progress is very slow because expectations of what pupils know and can do are too low…..

But on the positive side:

Pupils attend frequently and say they enjoy school


in Years 5 and 6 …. teaching is mostly good,

The Echo reports on it here.

About the author, admin

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