World Homeless Day



by Editor // in Housing


The purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to people who experience homelessness needs locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness while taking advantage of the stage an ‘international day’ provides.

In our District there is a relatively low number of homelessness, however, even one homeless person is one too many.

Recently residents have raised concerns about a homeless couple in Rayleigh High Street and a homeless man on the London Road. These cases have been referred to the Council’s housing team by your Lib Dem Councillors.

What can you do if you suspect someone is homeless?
Report the case via the Streetlink website or app which will be passed to the Councils outreach case team

About the author, Editor

  • World Homeless day is well timed as we approach the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Last winter, with covid rampant, quick and effective action was taken to bring homeless people into temporary accommodation in hotels – many of which were laying empty in view of the lock down. It proved a great success, protecting the homeless, the general public and boosting income for hotels. A number of people on the streets were rehabilitated (there are many issues for homeless people of course). As a society we need to look at renewing that initiative this winter. Longer term hotels and indeed larger office blocks will need to re-define their purpose as we get used to the new normal.

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