Southend Council is considering the project as part of its grand plans called Southend 2050.
Commenting in the Echo today, our Lib Dem Councillor James Newport spoke out against the idea.
Rayleigh Town Councillor, James Newport, echoed the concerns raised by Mr Cutmore, insisting this is not a plan he would support.
He said: “Personally I would be against any plan for a road like this.
“It would open up the green belt to all future development, that is something we are actively trying to avoid.
“We all suffer from congestion, it is a huge issue but I do not think building a huge bypass is the answer.
“There is no doubt this would cost a lot of money, and that money would have to be recouped somehow, and that’s where developments along the route would come in to play.
“We seem to have an obsession with development in south Essex, in terms of homes and roads, but a road should not be the immediate answer, what about improving public transport?
“Making public transport more viable to the public?”
Like all local Authorities lumbered with responsibility to produce a viable/sustainable Local Plan the Southend Council do not , in reality , have the means to do so – no land supply / no strategic Infrastructure funding / no funded Business Plan and probably limited resources ( ditto RDC , Castle Point, Basildon, Brentwood / Grays…… al ). As for road funding the important mini-roundabout at Hambro Corner does not even have road markings ( worn away ) or
a N-W corner Kerb line ( worn away ) so a cross country highway is hardly likely in my lifetime.
….and now we hear of plans that ECC will try and ‘offload’ some of their responsibilities on to town and parish councils who have uncapped precepts. Watch out as they try and force this through. More on this later.