Who Ya Gonna Call?




PC Graham Nuth, Neighbourhood Specialist Officer for Rayleigh, met up with Jackie this week to explain his role and current priorities.

He is keen for people to contact him if they have any issues regarding youth nuisance, under- age drinking and graffiti. He is on call in a mobile unit most Fridays and Saturdays, when there are likely to be the most incidences, and can respond quickly if you call him.

On the issue of speeding he told us that both he and the Community Officers will carry out speed gun checks if an area is identified as having a problem. He is also busy organising a Community Speed Watch and is looking for volunteers prepared to be trained and commit to 1 hour a week. The checks could be at any location in the Rayleigh area and you would not have to cover your own area if you preferred. Anyone wanting to find out more should contact PC Nuth direct for more information.

His mobile number is; 07813 953703

His E-Mail address is; graham.nuth@essex.pnn.police.uk

About the author, admin

  • Chris, I wasn’t sure where to put this question. I have just been listening to 5live and a comment was made that surprised me. The presenter said that Bullwood Hall prison was one of two prisons to only house foreign prisoners. Is that true? If that is true, where do they go once released are these foreign ex-prisoners a burden on our local resorces? Do we know how many actually stay in the district? Are the council monitoring the situation. There are many more question but …. Maybe you can raise that question with the council for me.

  • Hi Mike
    As far as I know, the prisoners are kept in Bullwood Hall until they are returned to their own countries – which could be weeks, months or longer. I don’t believe any of them are allowed to settle locally, so they aren’t a burden or a hazard to the district in that way. There was more on the BBC website today.

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