There was a site visit for district councillors in Rawreth today.
Someone made a comment about “the local community.’
One Hawkwell Conservative councillor immediately responded “What community”? which just exemplifies how hard it is to get some people to treat Rawreth fairly….
What a crass and irresponsible comment to make. I think he should resign or action be taken against him by the Tories. I hope this gets into the ECHO. There is probably a little more to this comment than meets the eye!
Crass, yes. Don’t think it’s a resigning matter though, and as it was at a site meeting rather than a council meeting it probably won’t be reported anywhere else.
It was simply an off the cuff, crass remark, that illustrates an attitude. And I got a bit cross. 🙁
Maybe a bit harsh, however if that was the attitude of the councillor he should engage brain! before coming out with a comment like that.
It is a total disrepect to the residents of Rawreth and an apology,at least, is called for here.
It may not have been on council duty but being a Councillor surely he should remain Ethical in all he says or does?
Maybe it will get reported or at least a letter or two to the Echo?
Unfortunately the councillor concerned is a bit of a dinosoar and doesn’t believe in computers!! and so won’t see this.(It didn’t pass without comment though)
I too was at that site meeting on behalf of Rawreth Parish Council. One Councillor said “Why have we been asked to come here?” and when Ron attempted to explain that he wanted Members to see the actual site because of the all the previous controversy with breach of Planning conditions and the proximity to local residents he was cut short. I, too, attempted to make a point that the people immediately adjacent to the pitches had already been compulsorily moved from their houses to make way for the A130, I got an abrupt “I know all that” and no-one else showed any interest whatsoever.
I believe this subject is to be discussed at tonights meeting I seriously wonder whether the concerns and interests of the residents of Rawreth will get a fair hearing. After all, the only Members who speak up for us happen to be the Opposition – our local Councillors .