When the traffic is flowing, speeding is undoubtedly a problem on our local roads. As a resident what can you do about speeding in your street?
Here are some practical steps you can take to try and reduce speeding.
- Report it! If no one is aware of the problem then nothing will be done. There’s little point in complaining on Facebook as it’s well known that the ‘authorities’ don’t tend to hang out on there. Essex County Council are responsible for all highways issues
- Gain support from your neighbours – knock on their door and ask if they think speeding is an issue. If so, gather support and then contact your Essex County Councillor to ask that the issue be looked at by the LHP (Local Highways Panel) – this is where they can put forward projects for consideration such as traffic calming measures (speed humps etc), pavements, kerbstones etc
- Contact the Town or Parish Council, they may be able to operate a Community Speedwatch session in your area
How do I contact my Essex County Councillor?
Your Essex County Councillors details can be found here
Rayleigh Town Council can be contacted here
Other practical tips
You can purchase these wheelie bin stickers from Amazon UK here