“We’re Not Letting This Rest”




We are still concerned about the Conservatives decision last week to support new housing figures of 1800 for Rayleigh, 1000 for Rochford/ Ashingdon etc without any background information on how council officers came up with these numbers.

Jackie Dillnutt
One of our campaigners, Jackie Dillnutt, is using the Freedom of Information Act to request the notes and documents that the officers used when creating the figures. Jackie said

I want to discover what’s really going on here. People keep telling me that we need more facilities before we get more building. I also want to know why the council is pushing on with this when we could have a different government in a year with different planning policies

About the author, admin

  • I just wondered whether or not Jackie received a response to her request to see the notes and documents used by the officers when making their decision.

    I was looking at the website for Great Wakering Parish Council today-very appealing it is too- and there is actually a section on the Freedom of Information Act, which is very thoughtful, don’t you think?

    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.

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