A Government Inspector has approved a flats development in Weir Gardens Rayleigh. A developer tried several times to get a scheme passed and had his aplications refused by councillors. He eventually went to appeal with two of the refused applications – and the inspector has passed them both. (Though obviously only one can be built , as they are for the same site!)
The schemes involve demolishing 2 existing homes and building 14 flats. The main issue involved was the effect of the proposed schemes on the character and apperance of the area.
Perhaps the key words in the inspectors report are:
The … proposal …. would be taller than the neighbouring dwellings and both appeal buildings would be substantially larger than the prevalent scale of development in the residential area. However, views of the proposed buildings from the north would be against the backdrop of the A127 and the commercial development beyond.
Sorry, this makes no sense at all to me. If I am reading this right, the appeal has been granted because the people who choose to buy these dwellings will have a view of the A127.
What about the residents who havea view of the flats! They did not buy their houses to have flats built on their doorstep.
These Government ‘Inspectors’ have no regard for the residents of Weir Close. And the developers should be ashamed of themselves. They are obviously determined to blight the lives of the residents of the close for some quick cash!
Admin, is there a right of appeal against the Government Inspectors or do they play god with peoples lives? Is this a local developer or is it one of the nationals?