The Echo reports today:
SAT navs are being blamed for sending heavy lorries thundering down a narrow back lane between Hullbridge and Battles-bridge.
Wing mirrors have been ripped off cars and body work scratched, as the articulated lorries squeeze down Watery Lane, forcing motorists to drive into hedgerows to avoid crashing.
The lane has a three-tonne limit but sat navs and poor signage at the Battlesbridge end of the road means lorry drivers do not necessarily know they are doing wrong.
So Essex Police and Essex County Council have been relying on motorists and residents to pass on registration details of any vehicle they catch along that road.
PC Steve Judd said: “I’ve been compiling a database and we send out warning letters to the keeper or company owner to let them know of the restrictions.
“If they are caught a second time they will get a fine.
“It is a very winding, narrow road and although there have been no serious accidents, lorries have been known to reverse to get around a tight bend.”
It’s an ongoing problem. As it happens, Chris Black has already asked for this to be discussed with County Highways at the next West Area Committee meeting. This is at 7:30 pm on 8 January 2008 at thethe Mill Arts and Events Centre, Bellingham Lane, Rayleigh. This afternoon Chris had a phone call from the chairman of the committee, Cllr John Pullen, to confirm he had put on the agenda.
Watery Lane is very narrow around the tight bend area and any vehicle as big or larger than a twin rear wheel transit is too big, also vehicles with car width trailers or caravans cannot negotiate the bends without incroaching onto the wrong side of the road.
The only solution is hard width restrictions at either end of Wateruy Lane with adequite warning at the A130 either side of Battlesbridge.
Thanks for this Chris