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Salting routes
The salting routes are shown as a red line on the map and you can see our fleet of vehicles in their current location, as they travel around the county. We have a total of 59 routes this year. 62 machines with ploughs plus two mini gritters service these routes. All routes on the salting network are treatable in a maximum of 3 hours.
The salting routes consists of:
?A? roads that Essex Highways are responsible for. This excludes the A12, the A120 and the A130 which are administered by other organisations
?B? roads
The access route to the main settlement of a Parish of 50 or more households not already on the precautionary salting route
Roads served by at least 4 public bus services per day for 5 days per week or more
Roads that link sites of national importance (e.g. airports, ports, fuel refineries etc.) to the main salting network
We also include roads which allow ambulance and fire stations access to the main salting network
Please make sure that the top of High Mead by Love Lane is on the list as it is impossible to get out of there in the icy weather