Struggling to get on the housing ladder? Looking to upsize or downsize? Is there really no housing available in our District? Let us know your experience
Struggling to get on the housing ladder? Looking to upsize or downsize? Is there really no housing available in our District? Let us know your experience
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Seems to me this business of ‘ truly’ affordable housing’needs addressing , so
what has happened to the Modular partly homes that were muted a couple of years ago?.
Being mostly factory pre-assembled they are much cheaper to build on-site and
quicker I would suggest , cheaper units like that would make Brown Field sites
more viable.
In Spain they build Quad Apartments , 4 off upstairs and 4 downstairs all back to back with sound insulated party walls , the footprint being about the size of a 4 Bed Detached house. That’s 8 x 1 Bed Apartments or 4 x 2 Bed house options – just needs a bit of imagination on a relatively small defunct site , with
a space for off road parking.
Maybe £100,000 per unit , would get the young started , so truly ‘affordable’…?
Jimbo, like your thinking mate but….I’m not sure our little snowflakes want a “prefab†they want as a minimum a 3 bed detached and they want it NOW. That’s after spending £15k plus on a wedding and then moaning they can’t afford a deposit on a house. It’s so unfair…..🙄
Hiya Oz, only just spotted your ‘supportive’ post – I get your point and share your concern that we have a cosseted generation out of touch with reality. But,
to put the record straight , we have come a long way from the Asbestos Pre-Fabs which solved the post-war housing crisis ( a genuine crisis !!! ) – what we have now is an ” affordable housing crisis “.
There are a number of companies now that produce factory modules that meet
the building reg’s / insulation efficient standards which when finished on site do
look very like ‘normal’ homes. But it needs vision / innovation from RDC , sadly
lacking as we continue to do the usual urban sprawl into the Green Belt and of
course no Infrastructure……same, same old – Merry Xmas !!!