Tuesday Night’s West Area Committee – Highways, Sport, and Flooding

Tuesday night’s West Area Committee was held in a room at Sweyne Park School. There were about 18 members of the public present , most of them asked a question or two, and there was a good atmosphere. One resident publicly thanked Jackie Dillnutt for her last Focus that told Sweyne Park residents about the meeting taking place.

Here?s a flavour of what happened:

One resident of Church Road, Rawreth spoke about the problems of flooding in his area, increased by extra building in Basildon District and he wanted help in getting information and risk assessment calculations etc from them.

At various times during the meeting there was some discussion about Rawreth Lane traffic. Parish Councillor Rita Coombs said that since she spoke at the last meeting, there had been two separate accidents involving young pedestrians. The chap from County Highways , Dave Lawrence, said that his office were aware of the issues in Rawreth Lane and they were studying the situation. After the Asda works were finished, the County would be do some work on the pedestrian footway. Chris Black said that residents would be generally glad to see the footway improved but wouldn?t enjoy having more roadworks straight after all the rest! County Councillor Mavis Webster said that the County Council were thinking of altering the min-roundabout at the Rawreth Lane/ Hullbridge Road junction.

Chris Black asked what was happening about the attempt by Asda to get yellow lines in Priory Chase. Chris Lumley then made the previously-overlooked point that there couldn?t be any lines there until County Highways have adopted the road (which doesn?t happen quickly!)

Residents spoke at length about the traffic problems in Little Wheatley Chase and Bardfield Way- ?It?s like at racetrack near Langham Drive?. Jackie Dillnutt spoke briefly about the efforts she was making with County Highways to improve things near there.

Ron Oatham reminded County Highways that the hedgerow at the Hambro Parade shops was supposed to be replanted this month.

Mavis Webster asked about having a 20 mph speed limit in Glasseys Lane and possibly some of the turnings off Eastwood Road.

The other important discussion was on our leisure and arts centres run for the council by Virgin Active:-

Although the summer programme at Rayleigh Leisure Centre was poorly attended , normal use was about 12000 visitors per month and Virgin?s ?mystery shopper? testing of the centre gave it very high ratings. Staff member at the Rayleigh Centre Greg Goodrem is leaving this month to join the British Bobsleigh Team!

Chris Black then asked the operational director from Virgin Active whether if the money could be found, there would be room at the Rayleigh Leisure Centre for a swimming pool. The response was ?yes? ? and that they would be ?more than willing to open a conversation on this?.

Cllr Tony Humphries said that ?the demand for a pool hasn?t been established?. Jackie Dillnutt said ?Rayleigh is desperately in need for a pool?. Mavis Webster said she had recently asked pupils at Love Lane school what they liked and disliked about Rayleigh and none of them had mentioned a pool.

Chris Black also asked about the ?Baker Events? at the Mill as one person had been worried about them stopping ? the response was that there were no plans to stop them.

About the author, admin

  • It seems obvious that Cllr Tony Humphries is not a reader of this site – if he had he would realise that his comment about demand for a pool in Rayleigh was somewhat mute!

    I would think it safe to say from comments on this site alone, that demand for a pool in Rayleigh is high!

  • Instead of asking the children of Love Lane school what they liked and disliked about the area maybe (Mavis Webster) should of asked if they thought that rayleigh needed a swimming pool !!!

    Good on you Chris/Jackie I don’t think the council actually know what the residents of Rayleigh want, lets hope that the operational director from Virgin Active gives this serious consideration.

  • I think a lot of people had given up on the idea of us ever having a public pool in Rayleigh, so it’s great news to hear that the idea hasn’t been completely buried.

  • Dee,
    I agree with your comments and would add that Mrs Webster might have overlooked the fact that Love Lane pupils have their own (outdoor) swimming pool, so are hardly likely to complain about there not being a public pool in Rayleigh!

  • Well, in five minutes we identified a possible site and found a potential partner for running it. I’m not sure if the inventors of the area committees expected this kind of discussion, but I enjoyed it.

    Let’s not kid ourselves, it’s not going to be easy to get a pool. It needs piles of money to build it, lots of money to run it, and we would also have to make sure that residents who live near it don’t suffer.

  • If the pool was to be placed with the Rayleigh Leisure Centre, I am sure most of us, would rather have a pool than 5 football pitches for three reasons.

    Firstly it is something that we all can use and enjoy, and not just a small percentage of the populous.

    Secondly, as the Leisure Centre is only managed by and not owned by Virgin Active, a swimming pool will bring more money into the council, which could then be distributed into other resident needed facilities

    Thirdly, any noise would be contained with the building.

    This can therefore only be a win/win situation.

  • I think a swimming pool at the Rayleigh Leisure Centre would be a welcome addition to the sports facilities.

    As a non car driver who has to rely on our so called bus service (35), a pool that is within walking distance would be most welcome as it is impossible to get to Clements Hall.

    Also with all the new housing developments that are being built in Rayleigh this would be of benefit to all residents new and old. Not forgetting that people from outside the area would probably use the facilities as well (more revenue for RDC).

    This would then fulfil the promise made to Rayleigh residents many years ago when the Park site was first developed.

  • I would welcome a pool along the lines of the fun pool at Maldon, it is a shame that I live close to Sweyne Park and have not entered the Leisure Centre, as I use the pool and gym at Virgin Leisure Thundesley.

    Can we look for site to build a new Cinema to replace the Regal, that was pulled down 30 years ago. With the promise a new better replacement would be built above the shops and all we got was an empty site for 10 years and then the site was filled up with sheltered housing named “Homeregal”

  • County have not yet adopted the road, however ASDA having discussed this matter with County, received agreement for the double yellow lines to be put in whilst the road works were still be carried out, thus avoiding more disruption for its neighbours.

    From my experience of living on new developments (this is the 3rd in eight years), it can take anywhere from 6 months (as with Great Notley) to 2 years (as in High Ongar) for County to adopt roads. I doubt county will be adopting these roads anytime soon, as Wimpey have yet to complete Priory Chase past the the Leisure Centre, and along Temple Way

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