The District Council is using a firm of consultants to advise us on how to develope tourism in our area. Chris made a couple of suggestions at the council meeting on May 25th.
Firstly, it seems that we have one of the three most important ships in alll of human history – the Beagle- lying in our district . Surely this could be important for tourism. If we had a couple more hotels with conference facilities, the scientific conference market could possibly attracted our way.
Secondly, the most famous person ever born in Rochford is the actress Amanda Tapping, star of “Stargate”. Chris pointed out that a 400 -guest weekend was taking place near Heathrow next February, as a gathering of her fans.. Why couldn’t we encourage the next one to be held in Rochford?
This got a few nods from other councillors. It seems that the Tory Deputy Leader, Terry Cutmore , is a Stargate fan – so Chris has passed all the bumf on this weekend to him, and maybe Terry can carry this idea forward.
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