From the district council website:
Holocaust Memorial Day will be commemorated in Rayleigh at the Council’s specially commissioned memorial in Bellingham Lane, outside The Mill Arts and Events Centre on Tuesday 27 January.
To remember the victims of the Holocaust and other atrocities, Councillors, religious leaders, representatives from community organisations and schools will gather at the memorial at 2.30pm.
Reverend Mike Lodge, Rochford District Council Chairman’s Chaplain, will lead the service of remembrance around the Memorial to Victims of Persecution, and members of the public are most welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served afterwards in The Mill Arts and Events Centre.
This is the ninth Holocaust Memorial Day, and the theme this year is “Stand up to Hatred”.
Chairman of the Council, Councillor Jim Grey said: “We know from history that the efforts of just one person can make a huge difference, to renew the commitment of British people to oppose racism and intolerance and to work for an inclusive, caring and open society. I’m pleased to be part of this service of remembrance.”