This Week’s Meetings

There are four District Council meetings this week:

On Tuesday 11th the Review Committee meets (chaired by Lib Dem June Lumley). The items on the agenda are:

Anti Social Behaviour Review :
“To consider the final report of the project team on the review of Issues Around Anti Social Behaviour.”

Mental Health Services /Provision specifically with respect to the emerging new facility at Rochford
“To receive a verbal update from the Chairman, Cllr Mrs J R Lumley.”

Implications of Global Warming Agenda on Rochford District and the role the District Council and its Communities might play.
“To receive a presentation from the Head of Environmental Services and the Property Maintenance & Highway Manager on what the Council is already doing internally.”

On Wednesday 12th the East Area Committee meets at Great Wakering Community Centre. The main item is likely to be on improving facilities for young people in Great Wakering – there’s a possibility of some kind of new building next to the sports centre – you can download the document here.

On Thursday 13th there are two meetings. There’s a full council meeting just to approve last year’s accounts. And there’s a Development Control Meeting to decide on just one planning application – to extend Cherry Orchard Country Park.

About the author, admin

  • Re Development control meeting on Thursday 13th, does anyone know what happened to the application to demolish 9 & 11 Bull Lane and replace with 16 retirement apartments? ( (07/00582/FUL)
    I thought that this application was scheduled for the meeting on 13th.

  • Hi Alison

    The application is on this week’s ‘yellow list’ – it is recommended for refusal by officers for the reasons set out below. If no councillor ‘calls it in’ by 1 pm on Thursday, it will be refused without coming to committee.

    It is considered that this proposal is unacceptable given the lack of affordable housing (3 units), the poor design of the Bull Road element of the proposal and also that the scheme fails to adequately to justify-outline how this development integrates with the existing local infrastructure. REFUSE 1 The proposed building is considered to be out of scale with its surroundings and be an overdevelopment of the site. Furthermore, of the excessive depth and flat roofed element, and the relationship of the ground floor units to the footpath on the Bull Lane element of the scheme is considered to give rise to a poorly designed and proportioned building, that would be intrusive and out of character with the site and surrounding area as well as giving rise to a form of development that would result in unacceptable living conditions to the occupiers of these ground floor units.

    2 The application is considered to be deficient in detail in respect of the interconnectivity between the site and town centre and other services likely to be used by the users and occupiers of this development. The absence of this information is considered to result in a poorly located and accessible site given the local highway network, pedestrian crossing points and distance to support services (shops and medical facilities). 3 The scheme does not provide any affordable housing units as required by policy HP8 of the Replacement Local Plan and also PPS3 Housing. The failure to provide any affordable housing would result in a lack of affordable housing infrastructure across the District.

    If you want more info, you can download the report from it’s on weekly list 895

    -Best Wishes

  • Thanks loads Chris. (I had received a notice from the residents’ group saying that it would be discussed at the council meeting and wondered why it wasn’t on the agenda!)

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