We had a phone call from someone last week. They were puzzled by our question “Has anyone , especially in the Downhall Park Way area, suffered from exploding light bulbs?”
Echo reporter David Giles has now taken kindly up the issue and wrote about it in Monday’s paper:
“Residents in the road had been scratching their heads as to what had been causing their light bulbs to explode. Power supplier EDF energy believed the problem stemmed from too high a voltage going into the houses. The company has now turned down the voltage in an effort to stop the problem.
Mother-of-two Hayley Bloomfield, 37, of Downhall Park Way , said her bulbs had been mysteriously exploding for more than a year. They are blowing, but not how normal bulbs go. They are completely shattering and only leave a small bit of metal in the socket”
We’d really like to know if this is a problem affecting just a few houses. Or are there dozens of homes in that part of Rayleigh having this problem but not telling anyone?