The Lakeside Planning Applications




Someone has written to us asking about the planning application at 89 Downhall Road, to demolish the existing house and build a new house plus some flats. The important thing about no. 89 is that its the “Pond House” which has the big lake in it next to the close called Lakeside. They’ve also sent us this GoogleEarth image of the lake:


You can find it on the council website, though its not easy . The application is number 07/00121/FUL
Click here and then type in 07/00121/FUL and press search.

There was a previous application which has now been withdrawn – the new one has an improved layout.

As always, we aren’t allowed to make up our minds about planning applications in advance of the meeting, so don’t ask us how we’ll vote on this one…

About the author, admin

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