We wrote last weekend about Southend MP David Amess being in the Sunday papers.
Well, it’s pretty clear that Rayleigh’s MP Mark Francois is going to be in the papers fairly often for more weighty reasons- as he’s the Conservative’s Shadow Minister for Europe. He’s also been on BBC Radio Five Live recently
We don’t cover national politics very much on onlinefocus. But we can’t resist mentioning that he’s been described in the Daily Telegraph as :
“Mark Francois, the brilliant shadow Europe minister. Mark is the Sam Gamgee of politics: people sometimes underestimate him, but he has a quiet toughness that borders on heroism”
For those who haven’t read Lord Of The Rings, Sam Gamgee is one of the hobbit heroes of the books, so this is a high compliment:
The only drawback to this is that the person lavishing this praise on Mr Francois is Daniel Hannan, the Tory politician who became notorious recently for attacking the NHS – and was rebuked by the Tory leadership.
Mr Hannan also seems keen on having the Tories working closely with some dubious right-wing Eastern European parties who seem more like Orcs than hobbits…..
Thank you for this light post. It has given me a chuckle to start the day with. I am now wondering what Mark would look like if he were to grow his hair a little.
Needless to say that I disagree strongly with Daniel Hannan’s views on the NHS.
Although I am no Conservative I do recognise that David Cameron has tried hard to modernise his party. I believe that he does recognise the benefit of the NHS, is open minded about people who lead different life styles to him and is certainly not racist. It would be a shame if maverick members and associates where to spoil this for him.