The Green Party and Global Warming




The local Green Party have re-started their website at . So because we are nice people , we will put their website in our ‘links’ section!

On their website they write:

… locally the going is still tough.

SEEGP [South East Essex Green Party] will soon be picking through the local results. Although encouraged by the steady growth in our share of the vote, SEEGP are desperate to make that crucial, first breakthrough and get a councillor elected.

Well, we’re sorry to hear that they are desperate. But this is naturally Conservative territory, and it’s tough to win seats. Perhaps Green Party members should have a long look at the Liberal Democrat policies on the environment , and switch over to a party which can win.

In the meantime the Greens are doing a good job by organising a conference next Friday on Flooding and Climate Change. The date is Friday June 23rd – Registration 10.00 am for 10.30 start. Speakers include Green MEP Caroline Lucas and Jane Milen from the Association of British Insurers.

The place is the Quaker Meeting House Dundonsald Drive Leigh on Sea.

About the author, admin

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