The End Of The Audit Commission




A few years ago, when Audit Commission staff were assessing the District Council, they came along to a Full Council meeting. One senior Conservative Councillor couldm’t conceal his annoyance at the amount of extra work the assessment was causing, and said in a very loud voice “You’ll be out of a job when there’s a Conservative Government.” That off the cuff remark seemed to get the council downgraded to an ‘weak’ rating…..

But there is a new government now , and as the Guardian reports, the Audit Commission is being abolished.

About the author, admin

  • I must stay I am pleased by this.

    The Audit Commission has long since moved away from mere auditing into carrying out endless ‘assessments’ of councils. These took up huge amounts of officer time and were a reason for other work not being done. Councils were being judged, not on what residents were wanting, but on how the Audit Commission itself and central government thought councils should do.

    There were some bright moments – for example the Audit Commission encouraged Rochford DC to allow public speaking at planning meetings. But the Commission had become far too influential and self-important.

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