The District Council now has a set of “Frequently Asked Questions” on its website – about development to the West of Rayleigh. Whatever your views, its worth a read. Here are some key extracts:
I would like to be on the Council?s mailing list, so I am contacted whenever there is
an opportunity to have my say on future planning policy. How do I do this?
You can sign up to the Council?s consultation system at .
If you do not have access to the internet, please send your preferred contact details to the
following address, stating that you wish to be added to the mailing list:
Planning Policy
Rochford District Council
Council Offices
South Street
Has Basildon Borough Council objected to the Gypsy and Traveller site? What does that mean?
Basildon Borough Council is not the Planning Authority for the area, but as a neighbour they were asked for their view on the proposed allocations and they have formally objected to the proposed allocation for a Gypsy and Traveller site. The Government-appointed Inspector will consider their objection. The Inspector may agree with Rochford District Council and decide that the current proposed site is sound; or he may agree with Basildon Borough Council and find that it is unsound, and that it consequently cannot be allocated.
If the Inspector does not recommend adoption, but recommends modifications to the Plan, the Council will have to decide whether to implement the Inspector?s recommendations in order to be allowed to adopt the Plan; or alternatively make its own modifications and re-submit the amended document to the Inspector for examination.
A change as significant as an alternative site for allocation would be a decision that could only be made by Rochford District Council through Full Council (i.e. all of the District?s Councillors would have a vote on such a decision).
(our italics)
What is the Allocations Document?
The Allocations Document will determine how land will be allocated, and is required to conform to the Core Strategy.
For example, as the Rochford Core Strategy identifies 550 dwellings (plus new primary school and other infrastructure) to be developed within the
general location of Land North of London Road, Rayleigh, the Allocations Document is required to allocate a specific site for this development…..
….Those wishing to develop the land will still be required to make a planning application to the Council, and for it to be granted permission before they can develop the land
What happens if the proposals are not approved ?if the Inspector finds the Allocations Document unsound?
If the Allocations document is not adopted the District will still be required to accommodate development, and the Rochford Core Strategy will still form part of the plan for directing how much development goes where, but no specific sites will be allocated. The Council will have to consider making changes to the Allocations Document and resubmitting to the Government for examination