Thank You NHS! Thank You, Mill Hall!



by Editor // in Rayleigh


Liberal Democrat Party Chairman Steve Tellis reports…

Just had the Astra Zeneca coved jab at our beautiful Mill Hall. NHS staff ran the show super efficiently and to the highest standard. Cannot speak highly enough of them! The jab itself is so painless you couldn’t help thinking have I really had it? The Mill Hall was looking glorious, so proud to have this fine building serving our community – especially now when we need a big hall for covid vaccinations. Where would we be if the Conservative-run Council had pulled it down?! Their so-called replacement would not have sufficed. As a glass half full person, even after the terrible events of the last year, I am so happy we have the NHS and the Mill Hall.

Please remember, if you haven’t already signed the petition demanding a proper public consultation regarding the Mill Hall, you can still sign it at  

About the author, Editor

  • Yes I agree,this is a beautiful hall.A great asset for the community.I will be very upset if it does get demolished,and will not ever vote conservative again!!Just had my jab done there,no arm pain,or side effects,I am pleased to say.

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