BREAKING NEWS :Temporary Stop Notice Served On Lords Golf Club




We know that quite a few residents will be pleased to see the following news today from the District Council:

The Council has today issued a Temporary Stop Notice to halt the delivery of materials and the operations occurring on site.
This Notice has immediate effect, there is no right of appeal and any breach could be subject of prosecution in the Courts. The Notice lasts 28 days within which time further and more permanent enforcement action can be considered and taken. It is unusual for the Council to issue such Notices (there are compensation penalties etc. for the Council if we act improperly with such notices) but it has been considered necessary in this particular matter.

We know that, amongst others, Rawreth Parish Council has been working hard on this issue… because of the impact of the lorries along Rawreth Lane.

We may add more info later….

About the author, admin

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