We’ve have a a problem with the internet tonight at onlineFOCUS. But Ron would like to mention that, following a request from a resident, he’s trying to get the vegetation cut back near the junction of Down Hall Road and Teignmouth Drive.
Also, following several requests from residents, for some time he’s been trying to get the yellow line in Teignmouth Drive extended a bit further from the junction. However neither The County Council nor the South Essex Parking Partnership seem willing to help.
Good news, the stinging nettles along Hullbridge Road have been cut down at last. Now the ditch alongside Ferndale field has been tackled, with the promise from Mr Tatton-Bennett that the remaining parts will also be done. Having personally cleared Hambro Parade shops stinging nettles then all that is left is Norman Crescent’s overgrown vegetation to be done.
Just for interest Admin, I have put a request to Fix My Street, to have the bushes boarderin the public footpath on London Rd, between the E-on development & the play area on Hartford Close, severely cut back. There is barely room for one person to walk without getting “attacked” by greenery, let alone pushchairs, wheelchairs, etc.
Any influence you are able to use would be appreciated. Thank you.
PS this was in support of an earlier request for the same work to be done.
Amazing to see no parked cars in your photo. If it was like that all the time we wouldn’t need the double yellows extended!
Well yes we need to take a few photos there….
Janet, has this been cut back now?
I hope Ron has more luck than I have had with ‘fix my street’ in relation to the dangerous situation when exiting Teignmouth Drive! I asked for the pollared trees to be strimmed at the base due to poor visability down Down Hall Road a couple of weeks back and so far zilch by way of action. If there is a nasty accident here who will be liable?