The two planning applications from Academy soccer have been resubmitted:
Application :14/00331/ADV
Parish: Rawreth Parish Council
Ward: Downhall And Rawreth
One Non -Illuminated Goal Post Type Sign to Site Entrance
Land North Of A129 East Of A130 Old London Road RawrethApplicant:
Academy Soccer
2 Kingswood Crescent
SS6 7BH_____________________________________________________
Parish: Rawreth Parish Council
Ward: Downhall And Rawreth
Responsibility:Proposal: Change of Use of Land From Agricultural to Use for 8 No. Football
Pitches. Provide Area for Car Parking, Provide Four Storage
Containers, Provide Four Storage Containers for Use as Changing
Rooms and Toilets and Construct 6.5m High Ball Catch Fencing to
Boundary of Site With A129 and A130
Location: Land North Of A129 East Of A130 Old London Road RawrethApplicant:
Academy Soccer
2 Kingswood Crescent
You can see the them online and make representations on the district council website
Chris, I know you can’t make any comment in advance of the planning application hearing, but this is so unfair on the people who live round there. They already have disruption, traffic, noise, litter from the existing pitches, and a 20ft(ish) high catch net is going to be a complete and utter eyesore. I hope for once the planning department forget that they seem to hate Rawreth and everything it stands for and boot this one into touch once and for all.