As we have mentioned earlier, the Council’s Cabinet decided to keep the proposed sports pitches by Rayleigh under direct council control. They decided NOT to lease the land out to a local club.
Now , there are two ways that a decision like this can be challenged:
1. Any 3 members of the council can ‘call it in’ to full council. A vote is then taken by the full council. (though as the Lib Dems are outnumbered by about 33-5, there’s not much point often in us doing that)
2. The Lib Dem Chairman of the Review Committee , June Lumley can ‘call it in’ to her committee.
To cut a long story short, June has indeed ‘called in’ the decision on the sports pitches to her committee, stating the following reasons:
“Public perception is that this item has not had sufficient democratic hearing. The Review Committee will further investigate the financial implications to the Council and implications for funding opportunities which may have been missed for enhancing youth football facilities in Rayleigh.
It would he helpful if financial and other information received from the interested clubs were to be made available prior to the next meeting of the Review Committee. “
A few points to bear in mind: