Southend Votes Narrowly To Keep Cabinet System




It seems that Southend Borough Council have voted to keep their cabinet system. They voted by 21 to 19 NOT to investigate going back to a committee system. Interestingly , The Lib Dems and UKIP favoured investigating a change, the Tories and most Labour voted to keep things the way they are.

Southend Labour Councillor Julian Ware Lane writes here about it.

One difference between Rochford and Southend is that going back to a committee system would probably save money here. There also a concern that the largest community in our district , Rayleigh, has sometimes not been represented in the cabinet , leaving Rayleigh, at times, literally without a voice.

About the author, admin

  • Presumably Labour sided with Tory because they are both frightened of UKIP – and that is a good “tail wagging the dog” point about Rayleigh having no say ( sounds familiar )………..wake up people !!!!!!.

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