Southend Airport Application




As the Evening Echo report on their front page tonight, there is a new planning application from Southend Airport. It’d for a scheme which would allow half a million air passengers per year and parking for 500 cars.

Full details of the application are on the District Council’s Website here.
. The application reference number is 06/00546/PD.

What is the application actually for? Well, it is described as :

Request for a Screening Opinion Under Regulation 5 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 for
Extension of 1473 square metres to existing terminal to provide modern check in areas, security facilities and arrivals waiting area to facilitate 500,000 passenger movements per annum on Air Transport Movements.
Re-configuration of existing internal access roads and car park areas (including additional areas) to provide 500 car parking spaces and drop-off/collection/taxi/coach/bus facilities.
Erection of 1.8/2.2m high security fences along new airside/landside boundaries.
Enclosure of baggage handling facility.

This isn’t an ordinary planning application. In fact it seems to be a request for the District Council to give a ‘screening opinion’ on whether the Airport’s application requires an Environmental Impact Assessment. This is something we haven’t come across before, but we have found some information about the meaning of a ‘a screening opinion’ on Surrey County Council’s website. (Please bear in mind that Surrey may do things differently to Rochford)

Remember, as always we consider planning applications in accordance with the code of conduct for councillors – so we don’t make up our minds on applications until the planning meeting.

About the author, admin

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