Some FixMyStreet Reports For County Highways




Here are a few recent FixMyStreet reports – hopefully the County Council – and our County Councillors – will sort out the first two and think about the third one.


Potholes in Cecil Way, Rayleigh

Potholes & Worn Out Road Surface

Reported in the Potholes category by Tony Holland-Martin at 14:17 today
Sent to Essex County Council 3 minutes later

The road was recently resurfaced at each end, however the middle section of the road is in appalling condition. There are now several potholes appearing, which are getting worse.

The road should have been fully resurfaced when the junctions were done

Potholes along Purleigh Road, Rayleigh

The whole road!!

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 12:33, Wednesday
Sent to Essex County Council 3 minutes later

This road is in such a state of ruin, I no longer can afford to use it as it damages my car…

Please fix it all…


Rochford Square…

Queueing vehicles blocking the road

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 13:38, Tuesday
Sent to Essex County Council 2 minutes later

Drivers queue to use the one hour free parking in the square off West Street. These queues go across the ‘keep clear’ area marked on the road and can reach across the junction, blocking traffic from both East and South Streets, as well as stopping the bus from turning the corner into West Street. As far as I am aware, this is keep clear area is never enforced, and no traffic warden or police officer has ever moved the drivers on. It is a ridiculous situation, and is dangerous for pedestrians, causes delays in car and bus journeys, and makes it virtually impossible for wheelchairs and pushchairs to cross the road safely.

About the author, admin

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