onlineFOCUS readers might be interested to know about these couple of applications that have recently been submitted to Rochford District Council
The first application is the site of ‘Lindy Lou’s vintage clothing shop
18/00686/FUL Parish: Rayleigh Town Council Ward: Wheatley Responsibility: Committee/Weekly List; Officer: Mr Arwel Evans Proposal: Demolition of existing single-storey building and erection of part 2/part 3 storey mixed use building comprising ground floor A1 / A2 use commercial and 3no C3 use residential apartments to upper floors. Determination Date 10th September 2018 Location: 171 High Street Rayleigh SS6 7QA
The second application is the site of ‘Elloit Smith’ ‘New Look’ and ‘Santander’
18/00695/FUL Parish: Rayleigh Town Council Ward: Wheatley Responsibility: Committee/Weekly List; Officer: Mr Robert Davis Proposal: Proposed shopfront alterations, erection of first floor corridor and change-of-use from A2 (Bank) to A3 (Restaurant) Determination Date 21st September 2018 Location:Â Site Of 57 To 61 High Street Rayleigh
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or click on the links for further information on the plans at Rochford District Council
We do not need any more restaurants in Rayleigh !!!!!
i totally agree
If RDC Want the entire town to move out, then they can carry on shutting shops. We don’t al eat out. There are enough eateries in this town! Keep the shops, at least it gives you something to look at, go in and look around, otherwise why would you go to the high street? Once one bank shuts they the others will follow and we can’t all afford to go to another town to pay in our money! I hate using the machines with a passion, it’s scary with it all being public, we need the banks
Don’t forget to comment on RDC’s website when it’s back up and running. We’ll post a reminder on here.
unless these buildings are a danger then surely these changes are not necessary. im certain the residents are not going to want any more restaurants or flats on the high street.
One off the reasons I moved to Rayleigh was because of s good shopping high street. Now it is becoming all restaurants and coffee shops. The government want us to cut down on emissions yet we will need to go to Southend or Basildon to shop. Are RDC interested in Rayleigh? Won’t suprise me if they don’t turn the windmill into flats
Isn’t there enough restaurants in Rayleigh! Would be crazy loosing Santander and new look all of which are always busy!
Please keep Santander and New Look. We dont need another place to eat. We are losing a range of shops and facilities.
No more eateries please . Why do they keep taking the small shops away , we don’t all shop on line .
Please leave our bank alone
I did ask Santander if they were going to close the bank and said why would we do the place up and that they were not going to close.
why are these proposals when there is a massive empty shop near by (store twenty one) which could be used for some of the actual proposals, not as though we need anymore restaurants or homes within the high street. Why waste money on changing building that have an established business within the high street. Why not put in a local cheap cinema which will bring in people into the town or just bring back some of the old shops that have had to close due to high rents/ rates. We as residents are to blame to for the closing of the shops and the dying high street because we all shop online or by from the big supermarkets. so maybe we need to think of that when these applications are made. shop local.
We don’t nee anymore restaurants or Barber shops either. Some good clothes or footwear retailers would be good.
Rayleigh does not need anymore restaurants.
if id known Lindy Lous was availabie i would have been interested as it is. Oh well .
We don’t need another restaurant in Rayleigh. The high street is a nightmare on Friday & Saturday evenings with taxis stopping anywhere to drop people off
I think another Restaurant is a great idea. Rather this than another hairdressers. Only a small percentage use bank counters – we must move with the times otherwise it becomes another sleep village (Gods Waiting Room.) Enough community groups to help those that are scared of cash machines.
Hi Paul. Have you witnessed the length of queues in Natwest? Speaking to the counter staff there is definitely a requirement for the older generation for an in person experience.
I think it’s about time we get rid of these useless council idiots and get some people who live in the real world to represent and make decisions on our towns!!
Next chance, May 2019