Here’s the latest report from the Association of Public Health Observatories:
Rochford at a glance
The health of people in Rochford is generally
significantly better than the England average. Life
expectancy, early deaths from heart disease and
stroke, binge drinking and smoking in adults is better
than the England average. However, over one adult in
five smokes and smoking kills around 140 people in
Rochford per year.There are health inequalities in Rochford by location,
gender and level of deprivation. Ashingdon and
Canewdon and the Rochford ward contain some of the
most deprived areas in Rochford local authority. Men
and women from the most deprived areas have around
3 years shorter life expectancies compared to those in
the least deprived areas.Over the past ten years, death rates from all causes,
and early death rates from cancer, heart disease and
stroke have decreased in Rochford, and have remained
lower than the England average.Over the past year obesity in adults has increased and
Rochford is no longer significantly below the England
average for this indicator.One adult in four is obese and around one in ten
undertakes moderate exercise on a regular basis.