“Schools Cash Error”




According to the Evening Echo, there’s a problem at the County Council:

Schools ordered to return ?3.6million
By Peter Cripps

Essex schools have been ordered to return ?3.6million to the county council after a mistake in the authority’s budget calculations.

The county council wrote a letter to schools explaining that they had been given too much money for the current financial year.

The amount of money each school will have to return has yet to be calculated, but it is estimated to be an average of ?25,000 for secondary schools and ?6,000 for primary schools.

The council apologised for the error, which it said was caused when the number of children due to start school was “overstated” by 0.6 per cent.

Many schools are run on such tight budgets that they will be forced to draw up fresh plans for the financial year.

9:56am Monday 8th May 2006

We will provide more information on this as soon as we receive it.

About the author, admin

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