Rochford And The EU





Local Labour blogger Matthew Dent writes here about how Southend Airport (which is really in Rochford) has benefited from the EU:

….Alongside the obvious bonus to Southenders of cheap, easy holidays on their doorstep, it has also brought money and business into the town.Why do I bring all of this up? Because this expansion has been driven by EasyJet, the budget airline. They fly to fourteen locations from Southend, and to what do they credit their success as a company?

?EasyJet is a product of the EU?s deregulation of Europe?s aviation market. Without deregulation we would not exist.?

About the author, admin

  • Oz, I haven’t read Spiked for a while, used to get it by email. It is an interesting article, and I think is very accurate in some of what it says. A lot of the public are feeling alienated from politics and being taken for granted, and I think the councillors who hold their seats tomorrow will be the ones who have really made an effort to engage with their residents.

    Howwever, trying to be objective here, UKIP have already got a quite few people elected as councillors, and I suspect that most – though not all- of them will lose their seats when they come for re-election in future years because many of them are no better at engaging with the public than the people they replaced.

    Anyway, I’m off to get an early night’s sleep – planning to be at Downhall school from 7 till 10, 2 till 4 and 5 till 7. Not sure whether to take a sun hat , a coat , or both…

  • In the interests of transparancy and to offer an alternative view on the benefits of deregulation perhaps a look at the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) proposal would be in order. The mainstream media coverage on this is worryingly silent and the ramifications for Joe Public if non-main stream media coverage is to be believed could be quite significant.


    Thanks and to help get you on your way – here is one link. It is provided with the caveat that I am not claiming any legimitacy as to the accuracy of it whatsoever. I just did a news search for TTIP and it brings up a few articles, from varying sources and a good majority of them are claiming very similar things. Whilst this sounds perfect for big business, if the articles are correct and to be believed it certainly raises some concerns for me.

    Thanks again.

  • Never mind the EU contribution to private company profits – in the i newspaper today,
    By 2020 the UK will have 5 million children classified as living in poverty , oh and we spent £30 billion on the wars in Irag & Afghanistan , not to mention the £12billion in
    Overseas aid this year . Who benefitted from that spend? -not the children that’s for sure……..criminal.

  • Jim, It will not be the EU that ultimately pays for the private company profits though. The articles are saying: If for example a GM food company is banned by legislation in the UK to grow GM crops due to health concerns said GM food company can sue the UK for loss of potential future profits due to the legislation. So we we either accept the GM crops and health risks – public pays with its health or the UK settle in money to the company and where will the UK ultimately get this money from? Heads they win tails you lose.
    On your other points you will get no argument from me apart from the figures you quote are the ones that are admitted to the real figures may be much higher. I also really don’t want this to go off topic or be forgotten about as I believe that the general public should be far more aware of TTIP than they are and I question that something like this should really demand some kind of democratic agreement rather than hush hush meetings between the major stakeholders. After all it will ultimately be Joe Public that pays in one way or another in the end.

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