


The application process for the land north of London Road is slowly creeping along and last night the development committee was asked to consider the “access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in relation to phase 1 of the approved outline application.”

This application will always be a contentious issue and there are numerous objections put forward in the report. One area that stands out for us is the comments on Air Quality.

  • I would also like to see the pollution level metrics that were accessed for this application, given the expected additional cars.
  • Nothing so far has been done to stop the pollution from the land referred to as ‘Pearsons Meadow’ by the Council alongside this proposed further development. With a diesel generator currently running through all hours of the day and night, the smell of fumes is filling the properties around Grosvenor Road and Diamond Close.
  • There is little or no reference to the dust that is present in the area that dissipates over the open fields at present to the west. How are the residents of the existing homes in Boston Avenue, etc. going to cope with this increase in pollution because the Industrial Estate will in fact be blocked in by buildings?

We are concerned that the Council isn’t taking the Air Quality issues seriously enough and have asked officers how they intend to tackle this problem. We will update FOCUS readers when we get a response back from officers.

The application was however APPROVED, by the development committee

About the author, Editor

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