You can see details of what Rayleigh Town Council is planning here on the Chamber of Trade website and here on the Town Council’s own site.
Here’s the essential stuff:
“The Christmas lights will be switched on this year on Thursday 27th November at 6.30pm by
Southend United Football Club?s management and first team players. There will be similar
attractions to last year including School Choirs, the Mushroom Theatre Company, BBC
Essex, Father Christmas and Sleigh, Hot Chestnuts, Newfoundland Dogs, Belly Dancers,
Salvo the Clown, Circus Optical Stilt Walker, Children?s Fun Fair Rides and a variety of stalls.
A trophy for the Best Dressed Shop/Business will be awarded during the event and we hope
that all of the shops and businesses will decorate their premises and will stay open late to join
in the celebrations.
The Town Council is pleased to announce that the redesign of the lights is now complete and
we intend to try to improve the display every year. We have purchased new rope lights to
wrap around some of the columns and new led bulbs for the street light motifs, which will be
more reliable and energy efficient.”