From the Echo today
Essex Police proposes to retain front counters, open to the public from 9am to 5pm, in:
Saffron Walden
ClactonOperational policing bases, without front counters, will be kept in:
Canvey Island
These cuts are supposed to be implemented from April 2016.
Also from the Echo:
ESSEX Police has revealed Pitsea and Billericay police stations will close with Canvey and Rayleigh stations shutting their front counters.
At a press conference held at 1pm, the force has outlined plans for swingeing cuts to stations, PCSOs and police staff.
In a statement, Essex Police said: “The financial challenges are clear and stark. Essex Police is anticipating cuts of around ?63 million by 2019-20, on an annual budget of around ?262 million. Around 83 per cent of the budget is spent on the salaries of police officers, PCSOs and police staff.
“With ?1 million paying for 20 police constables for a year, these financial challenges inevitably mean that Essex Police?s workforce will become significantly smaller over the next few years.”
There are currently 25 police stations with front counters in Essex. The plan is to reduce this number to 10 front counters by April 2016.
Essex Police proposes to keep front counters open to the public from 9am to 5pm in south Essex:
Grays, Basildon and Southend
First thoughts are:
– does it really save much money to close the front desk at Rayleigh Police Station?
– are the reducing numbers of police in Essex (now below 3000) even more of a concern than losing some police counters?
– would most residents support an increase in the council tax we pay for the police service? A band D property currently pays ? 147.15 per year.
Another recent change is Essex Police passing on the responsibility for dealing with low level and medium level anti-social behaviour to District Councils (Rochford District is almost totally unprepared for this).
There needs to be a political response, councillors going back to Essex MPs saying “this isn’t going to work, Essex Police need more money”
What Action was taken by Review Committee last night on my referral of the way RDC will now fund and operationally deliver on complaints of low level ASB which is now referred to RDC because of the cuts on the Essex Police Budget by the Chancellor? Many thanks. John
Lots of questions asked, very little info available yet as answers. A fair bit of despondency. IIRC Michael Hoy stressed the immediate need for some kind of plan. Watch this space for further investigation at a future meeting.
I am sure these cuts will not detract from Essex police’s number 1 priority, that is to overeact to every traffic incident, however small, and to ensure that the road is closed for hours. ( at the same time moaning about lack of numbers ) This maximises the inconvenience caused and at the same time allows criminals to go about their business safe in the knowledge that the police are all attending an “incident”.
It is a pity we can’t get rid of all the back-slapping meetings the police top brass have to fund and attend in order to save funds. The Police Commissioner should be first out of the door (nice man but what does he do for policing our streets?) His costs and his office team would cover most of the PCSO’s we are losing. Then there are his useless meetings attended by large numbers of police and the area Commander. How about the funding their numerous black tie, all expenses paid, dinners (complete with appendage partners) with Civic leaders such as our Chairman? Why don’t they put people in place that can show them where cuts should be made? DON’T EVER BLAME THE POOR BOBBY ON THE BEAT most moaners haven’t the courage to lick their boots!
So the UK gives £11.7 BILLION away in foreign aid but we don’t have enough to keep our police stations open. Madness……
I think we do have enough but the government won’t spend it…
The Police Commissioner is the equivalent of the Bean Counters that moved into the NHS – their mantra is cut/ efficiencies /cut/ rationalise /cut and so on,
this is their appointed purpose in life.
“The Bigger Picture” – “Win-Win Strategies” – ” Blue-Sky Thinking” – etc; etc;
it is all a b——t smoke screen , that if you say it enough people believe it.
“would most residents support an increase in the council tax we pay for the police service? A band D property currently pays £ 147.15 per year. ”
This resident would most certainly not wish to pay an increase in council tax for a service that he has already paid for and is now being taken away. This resident expects a CUT in council tax commensurate to the cut in services being provided
Can I reverse the question – if it costs £ 100 to plaster a ceiling would you pay £125 to have half of it done.
No of course not but in la la government land this what they expect residents to do.
Where is my tax money going?? I am starting to resent being fleeced every which way by tax, tax and more tax. If I added it all up I bet 75-80% of my income actually ends up in a pot of tax somewhere and all I see is dwindling services, working till I drop. Christmas is coming and it’s the not the Geese that are getting fat.
Christmas is coming, the government needs to get fat
Please put ten pounds in Georgey boys hat
Ian Duncan Smith is coming, he’s already quite fat
he wants more money from the poor man’s hat
Christmas is coming, you need to buy a load of tat
Please do so quickly as the government gets extra in VAT
Christmas is coming, the food bank is where it’s at
Obesity crisis solved as there’s no more money for that
If you haven’t got ten pounds then fifty will do,
If you haven’t got a job or are disabled then God help you
Perhaps Jason would prefer a government led by Mr Corbyn…you know, the man who wants to remove the cap on money given to people who can’t be bothered to get off their backside and work. What’s that called, ah yes, benefits.
Tory boy actually no, and you know what they say about assumption. Just because I want a fairer society does not automatically make me a leftie. Some people are able to think outside of the red/blue right/left/wrong/right box. I do not want people to receive benefits who are capable of supporting themselves conversely I do not want those who are genuinly unable forced to do so. And before you assume again Yellow, Purple and Green are not working too well for me either. In fact there is no party or leader at this present time I feel deserves my vote. But let’s face it it’s not the political parties who pull the strings any more.
Jason, I am going to assume that you are struggling with the present parties, however there is a way forward for you. Making the assumption that you take part in the democratic process then at the next election vote for the Lib Dems. Duty discharged but makes no difference whatsoever…..
Luke Collison, Chief Superintendent, Essex Police will be coming in to deliver a presentation to [Council] Members on Tuesday 10 November at 7 pm at the Civic Suite, Rayleigh. All Council Members are invited to attend.
The presentation will be on the proposed changes to Essex Police announced last week and will give Members an opportunity to put any questions they may have direct to the Chief Superintendent.
(Probably does not include residents but you could ask !!)
Public Meeting
The second Essex Police Challenge will take place on Thursday November 12, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm, at The Sweyne Park School, Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9BY