Back last August 29th there was a planning application to demolish the upper part of Rayleigh Lanes – thats the part where the snooker hall is. It was refused.
Back then we reported:
Conversion of the upper part of the Rayleigh Lanes into flats and roof gardens. This was refused , with the refusal being moved by Mavis Webster and seconded by Chris Black.
This proposal was to keep the ground floor of the Rayleigh Lanes intact, but to rebuild the upper part as two levels of flats and roof amenity space. As a side effect this would force the Rayleigh Lanes Snooker Club to find another site.
The discussion kicked off with the two ?members of the public? speaking – this time it was the applicant?s agent, and the lady proprietor of the snooker club. Then Mavis Webster moved refusal, on the grounds that the flats had no parking, and the design of the building wasn?t appropriate. Ron Oatham and Chris Lumley both criticised the building design, and Chris Black expressed his concerns about the potential loss of the snooker club…
The applicants have now gone to appeal – and the people who run the snooker hall – the Jeffries family – tell us they are strongly opposing it.
The appeal reference is APP/B1550/A/09/2097756 and you can find it on the planning inspectorate website here.
If you want to send your own comments to the planning inspector, you have until April 22nd. You can do it online by clicking here.